We all come across this term IP adress in our day to day life often as the use of technology and internet is getting commion for the world for more than a couple of decade now. IP stands for internet protocol address which is an unique code for every device used to browse or access something on internet network. So many devices connect on internet in a network and in order to recognize every device there is an unique IP adress. It plays a significant role which we will try to understand here.
Meaning of an IP Address?
Internet protocol or simple IP adress is a code that every internet device posses which gives a detail about the place and type of device used in a computer network. There are scores of devices that are getting access to a site, online platform, forum or any other such platform for that matters and in order to get a brief idea about the visitors IP adress plays a crucial role. It is also significant for businesses to decoe the demographics with the help of IP adress that people from which area are showing their interest in the particular business site.
How Many Types of IP Addresses are there?
Based on the number of digits and there inception there are mainly two types of IP adresses that are existing till date. The first is IPV4 and another is IPV6 both of them are used for generating unique IP adresses for the devices. Lets us have a detail account of the two.
IPv4: This is the oldest type of IP adress where the three digits are paired in one group and this is how four groups of such kinds are arranged. All the groups are segreated with a dot. This is how an IP adress is generated. It is not neccessary every group to have three digit but maximum three digit per group are allocated.
IPv6: In this type of adress there are total eight groups which are seprated with colon and every group have four digits. So this is a bit long IP adress and the reason is the need of highest number of IP adresses with the coming of flood in the use of technology and internet.
How IP Addresses are Assigned to the Devices
It is not a rocket scinece when it comes to assign an IP adress to a person’s device as automated software and systems like Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol are capable enough to generate an IP adress for any device. Users automatically assigned with an IP adress when they get into the network. These are termed as dynamic IP adresses.
The another type of IP adresses are those which remains constant and it is not possible to change them. These are termed as static IP adresses.
Security and Privacy
IP adress is very crucial when it comes to online security and security against cyber crimes. People could have been spread fake news, terrorism and such things if there was no IP adress. With the help of IP adress one can easily trace the person for wrong deeds. Even if you need support related to such mattters there are reputed names like Prefixbroker.com to help you out.
IP adress is a fundamental requirement to ensure an identity on the internet being a user. Without an IP adress there are high chances to feel insecurity and illegal use of internet by the people to spread riots from their device as they will not get traced without an IP adress for their location and device type.